Tuesday 7 June 2016

weekly goals

so I am trying to set myself goals for the week/month and I thought I would share come with to to maybe help you be motivated in the week...

1- It is my birthday tomorrow (8th June) and I have got lots of cards through the post so I will probably get a lot of money so my goal is to save at least half of what I get and maybe more because I want to buy a new bag asap but I want to save for my holiday in summer (read my last blog post to see what I want to buy)

2- drink waaaay more water because I love to drink juice or fizzy drinks but recently I havent been drinking as much water as I have been having lemonade and coke oops. i have noticed my skin is getting oilier and my skin isnt looking good anymore. I want good skin for summer so I dont have to wear as much makeup in the heat because there is nothing worse than sweating all your makeup off and looking like a melted candle. Last night I had a rasberry infused water with ice and this was a really refreshing alternative to fizzy drinks as it quenched my thirst more than fizzy ones.

(Ignore the photo, I just had no effort to go upstairs and take a cute photo of it so I grabbed the nearest candle and worked with it, also we are decorating the house so thats why the background looks a little messy and grubby)

3- sleeping more. My dark circles are becoming darker by the day and that is because I dont go to bed until midnight every night becasue I am on instagram, snapchat and of course the Kim K game! And I wake up at 6:40 for school and thats every week. Even at weekends I go to bed extremely late and sleep in until 10/11 but still that isnt enough.

4- be more helpful around the house. i have only really realised recently just how lucky I am to have what I have and that because of my mum and dad working so hard every day and night! They are both tired but yet they find the energy to carry on, so I want to give them a break so even if it is just me making the dinner one night that will make a difference, I make teas and coffees all the time and do the washing, drying and ironing with my mum, also I do the dishes with my older brother. If that makes a small difference then I am happy!

I know this blog post was only small but I think that this will motivate and maybe inspire some people xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Loved this post! I use to drink so much water but I have just stopped and I want to get back into it!
    Grace xx
